Wedding day couple dancing on a band stand.
Rainy night shot of a bride and groom under an umbrella, backlit by flash.
Bridesmaids arriving at a venue with umbrellas blowing in their faces.

Getting married in the UK? Then rain will probably be a big consideration when choosing a venue, time of year and even a photographer. Here are a few tips to hopefully help you ease any worry from a Wedding photographer based in the rainiest country on earth (probably), Wales.

  1. Make sure there’s a plan B when it comes to places to for photos, ceremony (if outside). Talk to your photographer about what they would do at your venue if it rained. Knowing what you will do if it rains will take away the unknown element of it which is half the battle.
  2. Umbrellas can be a saviour but you can also use doorways and flash for beautiful photos. Again, this is a conversation you can have in your meeting with photographer. I personally find those rainy days bring out creativity and actually enjoy the challenge.
  3. Be flexible with your may have a very short window so if your photographer says let’s head outside. Do it! I've seen days which were forecasted heavy rain all day give a break which often comes with lovely light. When this happens, we go.
  4. Don't become obsessed with weather Apps. They are often unreliable especially more than a day out and if it's more than 3/4 days out you might as well ignore it.
  5. Be prepared to shorten your group shot lists as they often take longer inside. Knowing which ones are your priority before hand can help with this on the day.
  6. Embrace it. I’ve taken some of my favourite photographs on rainy days and have seen the most fun, happy weddings when people have been inside enjoying themselves.
Bride embracing the rainy weather with arms outreached and bouquet in one hand and eyes closed.

Hi, I'm Tom

I'm a Welsh Wedding photographer based in Carmarthenshire. Telling the story of one of the most important days in people's lives is just something I love doing. The emotion, the party and capturing those little moments that would be otherwise forgotten is just a massive privilege.

Find out if I'm available to photograph your day.